The Power of Doubt: Overcoming Anxiety and Catastrophic Thoughts
Welcome back to our blog! In today's post, we will delve into an important aspect of anxiety that often goes unnoticed, yet significantly impacts our lives. As an anxiety and trauma specialist, I encounter many individuals who begin their journey with a barrage of catastrophic thoughts. These thoughts, often starting with the phrase "What if?", can be overwhelming and hinder our progress.
Let's take a closer look at what I mean by this. Many of us, including the clients I work with, experience a multitude of "What if?" thoughts when facing anxiety. What if I have another panic attack? What if I never feel normal again? What if I can't trust anyone? What if this symptom indicates a severe illness? These thoughts, rooted in panic and trauma responses, can manifest in various forms and affect our daily lives. However, there is something intriguing about these thoughts that is both obvious and not so obvious.
One striking aspect is the physical response they trigger within us. These thoughts can make us feel terrible, causing our minds to spiral into an abyss that seems nearly impossible to escape. However, the truth is that the only tool our anxiety, panic, or trauma response possesses is the power of persuasion. It convinces us of the realism of these thoughts and plays tricks on our perception of reality.
But here's the key: doubt. Doubt is the catalyst for reclaiming control over our lives and recovering from anxiety. The moment we begin to doubt these thoughts, even if it's just a tiny inkling of skepticism, we inch closer to breaking free from their grip. Doubt becomes our beacon of hope, leading us towards a path of healing and resilience.
Building the ability to doubt our anxious voices is crucial. It requires us to question the validity of these thoughts, to ponder whether they hold any truth or if they are mere creations of our anxious minds. By doing so, we initiate the process of recovery. We must understand that it's the level of truth we assign to these thoughts that keeps us trapped. Doubting these voices and thoughts is the key to getting rid of anxious thoughts.
As an anxiety and trauma specialist, I have witnessed incredible transformations in those who have conquered their anxiety. These individuals no longer give weight to these catastrophic thoughts. Even if these thoughts occasionally resurface, they can dismiss them with ease. They recognise that worst-case scenarios are not necessarily true and that their anxiety does not define their reality.
So, I'd like to offer you a thought-provoking gift – the power of doubt. Keep it at the back of your mind as you navigate your journey towards recovery. Implement doubt as an experiment in your life, and observe the progress you make. Embrace a healthy level of skepticism towards those catastrophic thoughts, and you will witness the diminishing influence they once held over you. Gradually, they may fade away entirely, no longer impacting your life.
I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights and a renewed perspective on overcoming anxiety. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and progress in the comments below. Remember, the journey to conquering anxiety begins with doubt and discernment.
If you are considering help for your anxiety, or have had anxiety counselling before and it hasnt fully helped, click this link to book a free consultation call with me.Â